Based on my previous post on the importance of shopping locally produced foods I`d like to introduce you to the Organic Food Market at Sisli Bomonti.
This market has almost become a weekly routine for the family. We initially started going there when our now 10,5 month old son Can started eating solid foods, took it a step further to do the whole shopping for the house from there (we might as well eat healthy eh?:) )
Eating seasonally and organic, free of pesticides is not as costly as one thinks when this market is put into perspective. Once you become a member to Bugday Organization- they have a stand in the market- you actually get 10-15% off at the stalls and you have donated to an NGO devoted to sustainability and organic farming in Turkey.
Oh! and there is a food stand of the most amazing `gozlemes` - a Turkish pancake like delicatessen- that is simply my motivation to go there!
Below is a pic of of Can and Ladin ( Can`s friend) that appeared on Gurme Bebek`s facebook page- particular thanks to Esra Sert author and partner to the site; www.gurmebebek.net. Also worth checking out if you are in search of recipes for your little ones!
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