
The Roman Holiday

Autumn and spring are great for mini weekend breaks. Especially in Europe.
Last weekend, by an impulse we found ourselves in the “open air museum” of Europe, Roma.

The big question in Rome is: “How many cones of ice creams can you squeeze into 48 hrs?”
The answer: Don’t count.
Here’s my rundown for 48 hrs in Rome

Aperativo: Hotel de Russie at Piazza del Popolo
Hotel: Leon’s Place
Ice cream: Giolitti www.giolitti.it Via Uffici del Vicario , 40, Roma.
• Pizza: Bafetto http://www.pizzeriabaffetto.it/ Via del governo vecchio, 114 00186 - Roma (RM). Recommended to us by our sister, Nur. Thank you!
Pasta: Restaurant Matricianella, Via del Leone 2/4.
Walking: Trastevere – Santa Maria in Trastevere
Best almond cookies: Tozzetti from the bakery Il Fornaio, Via dei Baullari 5/7

• Spiritual: The Vatican – St Peters Basilica and the Square
• Coffee: Tazzo d’oro, Via degli Orfani, 84
• History and Architecture: Pantheon. The world's largest unreinforced concrete dome.
In search of Bernini: Piazza del Navona
Lunch break: Campo de Fiori – Forno campo di fiori for pizza.
Audrey Hepburn style: Bocca del Verita

Ps: A special thanks to my husband for coming up with the title of this particular post!

1 yorum:

  1. this is sooooo wonderful, from the title to all your photos. did you just see Eat, Pray and Love by any chance?
